tisdag 11 november 2014

Think new when it comes to product development

Competition is increasing constantly. It's getting harder and
harder to develop products that will be long -lasting on the
market. New times demand new thinking. Most companies
have procedures for their actions and it is of course also for
product development. The responsibility is also given where
different departments are responsible for their part of the
organization. Sometimes they work together but it is not
always granted. When to launch products liability marketing
in general for the original idea . Then there is the
development department's mission to develop a suitable
product to the idea. It has often been done any kind of
market research or study to get confirmation that the idea is
good and can work. Some companies dedicate themselves to
copy competitors that have succeeded with a product launch.
When a market is getting developed, it takes new incentives
for the success of their product . Investigations by all means
but too few companies listen to consumers ie. those whom it
expects to buy the product it develops. A new approach to
product development is to involve consumers in the
development process. Then you can produce exciting ideas
from the intended target group that they themselves have
helped to develop . To arrange workshops can generate many

new and great ideas for the future.

måndag 3 november 2014

Årets julklapp för trendsättare?

Många företeelser och produkter kommer och går, och vissa består. Årets julklapp är ett exempel på produkter som poppar upp och ofta faller i glömska efter en tid. Andra företeelser inom främst mat och dryck såsom surdegsbak och "hemmabryggerier" har nu existerat under ganska lång tid och lever vidare. Mera tveksamt är det nog om trenden med egenproducerat smör kommer att hålla i sig. Lagom inför årets jul förespås rosa salt från Himalayas klippor få genombrott bland trendsättarna.Saltet påstås vara den renaste form av salt som finns att uppbringa. Nu lanseras speciella rivjärn i stål med hållare av ek speciellt avsedda för detta salt. Priset är ca. £ 25. Blir detta månne årets julklapp ?